Friday, November 26, 2010

November 2010

Where do the weeks fly? Here it is the day after Thanksgiving and I haven't written since Halloween. This month has been busy in various ways. Photography picked up again with a rush before Christmas and I did a wedding last weekend. Ava has been so much fun aside from her dreaded sleep schedule (Typically around 5am-12pm ish...) Her smiles keep me going through that. She gets more playful by the day and looks at everything so carefully. She is enthralled by the moving pictures on television, her eyes study the pictures as I read to her, and her new favorite is help standing up. She can stand for several minutes at a time and absolutely loves it. Her new favorite toy (....FIRST favorite toy? haha) is an alligator that has scrunchy material in it that makes noises and lights up. It also has rings and other things attached to it she can play in. She also loves her little toy station that helps her stand that my grandma and grandpa had found her on a rummage. She wears herself standing until her legs give out. All this at only 3 months old!! She may be walking soon!?! We had some concern about her getting a little rashy and congested a lot this past month because we have 3 cats, but the doctor said babies don't have allergies to cats develop until they are much older so he thought she may have an aversion to something in my milk. He recommended cutting out all dairy products...... Okay... you have no idea how much of a problem this becomes for me. I practically live off of cereal, oatmeal, coco wheat and cheesy products like pizza and macaroni (Yes I am aware this isn't the healthiest diet). This news came the day before Thanksgiving luckily so I will have many other options over the following few days, but I am hoping this helps. I don't have much else to share of great interest that I can think of right now, but if any other hi-lights pop up I will be sure to add them in. I will also try to add a few pictures from this past month soon

-A <3

Dear Ava,

You are such an alert and curious little girl. You already seem to love learning so much. You don't seem like a baby to me, but a little person that cannot wait to communicate. I have slowly been teaching you sign language because I am so eager for us to be able to understand each other more. You are such a happy baby the majority of the time. You make everyone around you light up and are so easy to love. Daddy has been continuing on with his quest for you to learn Spanish. He still speaks to you only in Spanish and reads Spanish stories to you. He also plays cartoons in Spanish for you while you doze off in your swing. He is excited for you to attend Rosa Parks and hopefully be a part of their elementary Spanish program. In other news, I have been hearing more and more lately that people think you look like your Mommy. This has been fun for me because until recently everyone has said you look like your Daddy. Your hair is still red as of now though so we are all curious to see if it will change or keep the shade it has been since you were born. Only time will tell. Daddy and I love you so much!!


Monday, November 1, 2010

October 2010

October was a pretty quiet month because I stayed pretty busy doing family portraits for people. I surprisingly only had 1 wedding this October, but that was great because it allowed me to enjoy time with Jordon and Nieva. The first weekend of November Jordon and I took a weekend trip to Minneapolis and Nieva went to the women's retreat at my Mom & Dad's Ranch. Mom volunteered, but somehow poor Dad got stuck with our (I don't like)sleeping beauty. We went to Valley Scare and Renaissance Fest. I also did a shoot while I was up there which was fun. The park we shot at was beautiful and it was such a nice day. I missed my baby girl horribly and was so glad to see her when we got home. The following week I had a LOT of family shoots and wedding. That weekend Becca came up and we went to the Apple Orchard for Pumpkin festival. We took lots of pictures of Nieva and topped off the trip with some caramel covered apples. We also had a couch surfer from Oxford that entire weekend.

That Monday was Jordon and I's 2 year anniversary. We spent it with nieva. Back to the apple orchard we went so Jordon could partake in the fun. We went apple picking and showed Nieva the animals in the petting zoo. After that we headed to the mall. Jordon got a new coat that he loves and I got a great pair of knee high brown leather boots. For supper we went to Minerva's. All went pretty well until Nieva decided to pee all down herself while I was changing her. All we had for a spare was Jammies so Nieva spent her first evening in a fancy restaurant in her jammies lol. Luckily though she didn't make a peep and it went pretty well. The remainder of that week was spent editing. The third week in October I was very busy again with shoots all week. That Thursday we had a great couch surfer from Ohio. Since she was in to the arts also we had lots to talk about. We all went with Michelle, Derek, and Niki to see Ben Kweller in Brookings and got autograhs after the show and pics. Was pretty cool. That weekend was our baby girl's shower. Jordon and I sing "The Prayer". We took lots of adorable pictures and spent the day with family.

The following week I was sick all week :0 ( Guess the first part of the month wore us out because Nieva was sick too. The following friday I thought i was better only to wake up to 102.8 temp at 3am sat morning. Turned out to be mastitis from Nursing. I had a temp and flt icky all weekend and regretfully had to miss Lana's shower and one of the last days at my grandmothers house. I am sad to think of it. I have so many amazing memories from my childhood there. It just doesn't seem right or real, but I hope my grandparents find something amazing and are really happy. I was bummed to have missed Halloween festivities being sick, but sill had the energy to dress up Nieva in her proncess costume. Jordon and I couldn't stop smiling. She really is our little princess. Wish everyone could have seen it.

-A <3

Nieva's 1st Halloween 10 Weeks Old

Nieva's First Halloween Weekend was pretty uneventful as her and I were both sick the entire week before. Saturday morning I was running a fever of 102.8!! I finally gave in Sunday when fever was still sittin at 101 that morning. Case of mastitis it turns out- a common infection that can cause fevers in nursing mothers I guess. Glad I went in finally. Thanks to the antibiotics I was feeling well enough (and knew I wasn't contagious) so could hand out candy to the neighborhood kids at least. Anyways Saturday night Jordon made a pumpkin pie and some soup for poor sick me and we watched an old horror film called "them" on netflix and a bunch of Treehouse of Horrors episodes. We were supposed to watch movies with Kristin and go to some Halloween Parties, but was too sick. Sunday I was really bummed because we missed Lana's shower form the Boer side and would have been one of the last times I got to spend time in my Grandma & Grandpa's house- where I have so many memories growing up. They are selling it and have to be out by Dec 1. :0 ( ANyways... we got Nieva into her princess costume after my drs appt and took some cute pics of her. Then watched Monsters Inc with her and gave candy to trick-or-treaters. I am thinking Nieva will be more excited for Halloween next year haha.

-A <3

Dear Nieva,

You looked so adorable in your little princess costume today. Daddy and I just couldn't stop smiling. We may have to dress you up again sometime to show the grandparents how stinking cute you were for Halloween today. We are very excited to bring you around in upcoming years. You are getting so big! You are in the 75th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height. We think you are going to be tall like you Daddy. You smile whenever anyone talks to you in a sweet voice for awhile. You love to be held and cuddle. You are sneaky when we try to put you asleep. You always have one eye you try to keep half open... like you are trying to make sure we haven't left yet. If we leave before you are sleeping you know and you let us know you know haha. Daddy had fun with you this weekend since he has been working so much lately. I wanted to put you in your swing last night to sleep last night but he just wanted to hold you. We both love you lots and lots and lots.



Friday, September 24, 2010

Sarah Joan!!!

Baby Showers


First week home

Written the night of Nieva's Birth- The Day

5:45 am woke up late
had eggs and moldy toast.....
had picture taken and coming in fell really hard on my knee. Pic wasn’t good enough so went downstairs to cat puke and poo city for a pic….left house very cranky..........
7am arrived at hosp and checked in
7:20 checked into our birthing room started candles and spa jafra music
8:30 broke water. was dilated to 3 and 90% effaced and contractions 3-4 min apart
9:00ish doula arrived and breakfast. Had omelet and banana bread and grape juice
9:15 started feeling contractions, but not painful.
10:10 woke up from attempting to nap
contractions became regular. Felt like bad menstrual cramps. Was able to breathe through them fine. Walked halls to get gravity going and then as they increased intensity got into tub at 11:10am and stayed in here until 12:45. Towards the end contractions worsened to almost not being able to handle and only ended up getting 2 bites of lunch in. Listened to hypnobirthing in tub.
12:45 everything got hazy and hard after this and turned into many many position changes through progression after progression. We tried birthing ball, aromatherapy, music, birthing stool, slow dancing, hanging over bed, etc... Had horrible back labo and Carri Jo (doula) and Jordon had to take turns pushing with all their might to do counter pressure.
4:30ish pm progressed to pushing phase. The transition to this phase was the most painful. Through the rest I was told they’d never seen someone so relaxed in labor and they were all really amazed how well I was doing.
Never asked for even a Tylenol through it all.
5:3oish The midwife thought Nieva was almost there and kept saying just on more push but she just wouldn’t come. Finally at 6:43pm she was born. I couldn't believe how big she was! She was very cranky looking and purple with a cone head at first (not so cute haha). I was so exhausted that I must admit I didn't have much reaction at first aside from relief she was here. They put her chest to chest w me. I was so worn out I could hardly react. Jordon cut the cord as a very proud papa. We kept her skin to skin with me as requested for 2 hours. She wouldn’t nurse at first but finally around midnight after one last try she nursed beautifully for 20 minutes.
Had a third degree tear after was all done. Needed a surgeon to come in for quite some time for some semi painful poking and prodding. Needed a shot because I wouldn’t stop bleeding. After they got me fixed up my family finally came.
We named her Nieva Rebecca Boer-Breuer. She had Becca’s cry and eyes. My Grandpa J, Jeff, Gma and Gpa Boer, Kristin, Lana and Steve were all here and came to visit. I had so much swelling and pain from surgery I finally needed the meds(that I didn’t take all through birth) so was a bit goofy talking to everyone. Finally after weighing her (9 pounds 10 oz!!!!!) we moved to new room where everyone got to hold her (all grandparents and jeff went home n coming back tomorrow) but mom and dad looked so excited and lana and steve. Kristin got to hold her too. It was really special to have all my loved ones up to see her so soon :0 ) After breastfeeding til 12:20ish am they took the baby to try to get us some rest and that takes us to now :0 )

We got the birth we wanted because everyone at Sanford was absolutely amazing at honoring our requests. Carri Jo was an indespsensable part of our team. I don’t know how I would have kep same w o her suggestions/coaching. Jordon was so great. I know he was so tired after helping m through back contractions for hours. I feel incredibley blessed and thankful and certainly have a new respect for anyone who has made it through labor pain med free. It was challenging, but doable, and I’m proud I survivd…… even though I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say I want to experience it again………… but I am really proud I did it and that people felt I did such a great jo.b <3 August 20, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Baby Day

Nieva was born August 20th, 2010. 9lb 12oz... 21.25" long

40 Week Picture

Yes thats right... 40 weeks came and still no baby. At my 40 week checkup my midwife agreed tobreak my water the following Friday. The next day Jordon got to wear the "Empathy belly" in centering. I was super glad he got to wear that. Will also include a few pics of that

39 Week Pic

38 week Pic

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

38 Week Appt

(Aug. 2) 2 cm dilated, almost completely thinned. Baby's head just needs to drop a touch more. She said could be tomorrow or could be several weeks. At this point its anyone's guess :0 )

(Aug. 3) In centering we discussed diapers, diaper services, the 5 S's (shhhing, swaddling, swinging, shaking, and side-lying), and practiced swaddling babies. I'm still hooing we get to have the guys do the empathy belly (for sheer entertainment purposes haha).

Jordon read "The Birth Partner" by Penny Simkin to prepare and said it was really informative. Between him reading that and going to our classes and having a doula.... I feel like my anxiety levels have dropped 10 fold. Cari Jo (our doula) and I met today for coffee to discuss hypno-birthing and our birth plan further. She was really informative on some issues I hadn't thought of and didn't know about. I like that she can be our advocate and go to person if we are scared as to whether something that arises is normal or necessary etc...

-A <3

Finished Nursery!!!

Dear Ava

Daddy and I worked really hard to get your nursery finished this past Sunday. It was hard work, and we were both exhausted afterwards, but we sure hope you love your new room. I made all the letters and curtains. Your great-grandma Boer made the bed set years ago. The books and nick-knacks are all gifts from friends/family or nostalgic items to us. It will be any day that you will be here now :0 ) Can't wait to meet you! I think you will love your new world. <3


37 week pic

Friday, August 6, 2010


Hired a Doula Today. Makes me feel A LOT more relaxed about impending labor. A doula is someone that comes to your home to help coach you through labor, help you decide when it is the right time to go in, practice relaxation techniques/coaching that can help assist you through a natural birth and calm you during contractions, help you find positions and methods that work well during labor in the hospital and coach you/help husband coach you through delivery. She said she also knows how to deliver a baby if I'd have a fast labor and can't make it to hospital....also a little reassuring haha. Definitely helped my anxiety level already!

-A <3

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Crib Canopy made and hung Today

38 weeks today....

Thanks to Steve (my bro-in-law) for the bracket to hang this, and of course to Jordon for helping me hang it.

-A <3

Dear Ava,

Mommy and Daddy had a rough night last night because contractions started at 10:30 to be 5 minutes apart and we werent sure if it was labor. We decided to try sleep at 2am even though they hadn't gotten better. I woke up to them still at 5 and then at 8 started having back pain with them and decided to go in. Terri, one of our midwives, sent us back home and said to come back in if they got too painful to handle so .... we thought we were going to get to meet you today, but so far you are still nestled in my belly. It won't be long though I presume. :0 )

Love you!
-Mommy <3

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pics of some hats I made, tea sets from Mom & Dad, and Vintage Baby Scale Jordon found....

New Crib!!

Thanks Mom and Dad!

Thanks Grandma Boer also for the comforter/crib set :0 )

<3 -A

37 Week Appointment

Baby is measuring just under 7 pounds (an estimate) and I am measuring a week ahead. She did an exam and have thinned 70% with 1.5 cm dilation so lots of progress (last week only thinned 20%). I am guessing baby won't come this week, but undoubtedly will be soon. Still guessing a little early since I am measuring ahead. Probably next week sometime or the following. We'll see :0 )

-A <3

FULL TERM!!!!! 37 Weeks! ~ ALSO 36 Week Picture~

Crib got here today and I am super excited. We are hoping to get it together tomorrow night. Yesterday I went down to Alvord to celebrate my mom getting ordained. STill was having contractions here and there, but nothing much of excitement in the baby department. Today I got home and finished off/mailed out some stuff for my business and then went for sushi with Kristin. Afterwards Jordon emt up with us and we went to the mall and then Barnes and Noble where I looked at some good books to prepare me for labor and weeks coming up after that. We went to eat at Spezia's afetrwards and my Braxton-Hicks started up again....... these endless contractions are getting kind of frustrating, but the tens unit and hip brace have in the very least been helping alot with low back pain, cramps, and contractions. Best news though for this post of course is that it is officially after midnight on July 27....which means baby is considered "Full-Term" as of TODAY!!! :0 ) Baby can come now and be expected to arrive perfectly healthy. That is a super good feeling. She'll be here any day now ...... or maybe a month from now haha.... bu Im hoping for sooner than later. Next Sunday or Monday would be perfect... you know..... not to be picky or anything haha, but Jordons in middle of 10 day working streak until Friday, Katie moves out Friday, and I have one last wedding I am hoping to be able to shoot Saturday for a friend (I do have a back up/second shooter though which is good). So ..... the clock is ticking pretty loud now..... We have my 37 week appointment tomorrow morning so we will see what our midwife says on labor progress signs....

-A <3

Dear Nieva,

Your Gma and Gpa Boer bought a super cute kid's VW bug you can enjoy next summer. Gma also got you a bike with training wheels.... but I think you might be waiting awhile to get on that haha. Tomorrow we put your crib together and put some of the final touches on your nursery. Everyone is very excited to meet you very soon!! :0 )

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Car Seat and Cover

Okay so we really need a baby swing and baby monitors and I think we are pretty much set as far as the main things :0 )

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

35 weeks Pic

Jordon took this and I played with it a bit....

tomorrow we have Centering Pregnancy class and a class on how to get your pets to adjust to the new little one. <3

Braxton Hicks

Had Braxton Hicks contractions for a lot of the day today. Its super frustrating because I am trying to get editing done and it makes me all antsy and nervous. I had a lot of cramping with it which worried me, but I called and they assured me everything should be fine unless the contractions start getting closer together or are harder so we will see. haha. Talk about baby playing games with my head!! I have a feeling its going to be soon. Hopefully after next Saturday though because I have a wedding!! Eek haha. The air also had been out since last Saturday (Yah... the air goes out on the hottest day of the summer so we slept in the basement.....). FINALLY got fixed today!

-A <3

Few of my maternity session proofs that I loved (34 weeks)!! By Heather Sargent of Heather Michelle Photography

These are mostly just raw images so I will re-add some dits after she is done with everything later. :0 )