Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Yoga, Acupuncture, and lots of Healthy Living

In the whirl wind that has been the past 6 years of our lives we have learned so much.  We finally feel ready to delve into the world of adding a sibling.  After Nieva was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 2 it didn't seem worth it to add more stress as we fought for 3 more years.

Now here we are.  Nieva is 5.5 and we went to her kindergarten round up tonight.  She is going to be a kindergartner.  I cannot explain what a privilege and blessing this feels like when a mere year ago we were fighting so hard just to get her to breathe on her own.

The tears continued to brim.  Spanish Immersion.  Exactly what her daddy talked about when I carried her in my body so many years ago now.  He talked to her in Spanish almost the whole first year of her life.   She was ecstatic tonight and we couldn't be happier!!

In February, I decided to initiate the process of getting educated about my second pregnancy.  Its super important to me to do everything right.  To be super healthy etc....  I got my yoga teacher certification and start teaching soon (SO exciting!!).  I have also been trying to eat much healthier.

I visited with a midwife who suggested seeing her again to look into issues if conception took more than 6 months.  Being almost 31 now and my history of endometriosis makes this important.  She recommended acupuncture and that was well... very different for me, but still exciting to try.

So here we are..... another adventure may begin soon......  <3 p="">