I was very impressed with Sanford's birthing facilities. All labor and aftercare rooms are designed with equipment hiding behind beautiful wall art. The bathrooms all are new and have large jacuzzi tubs. The after room has beautiful views of the city. They provide a free bistro, towel warming centers, refreshment/hydration nooks, cd players, birthing balls, birthing chairs, etc.... I feel like I am going to stay at a resort for delivery haha. Okay thats an exaggeration, but I was very impressed. We went out to eat afterwards and our waitress said she had her baby at Sanford and it was amazing. She said Her and her husband were treated like royalty and everyone was great. Good to hear for sure!
I am starting to pack my bag for the hospital.... for sure after discussing with other moms...thinking I will bring:
all my hypnobirthing meditations
spa cd
battery operated candles
essential oils for tub
foot scrub?
massage oil (for Jordon haha)
funny movies
babies first outfit
car seat
something for me to wear home
and of course all the usual necessities like straightener, makeup, bla bla.....
I really am convinced at this point that I can survive an all natural birth. Maybe things won't work out that way and I will have to go another route, but for now I think this will be the plan. I feel more prepared and calm everyday.
Jordon and I, after deciding to go the natural route, made our birth plan tonight to give to the hospital upon arrival. We also registered to donate my cord blood. We can't really afford to keep it, but maybe it will help someone down the road. <3
Dear Ava,
Tonight Daddy and I sat in you room and discussed delivery. We want for you to come into this world in the most peaceful and positive way possible. While we discussed this I painted the letters of your name that are going to hang on ribbon in your nursery and also a white shelf for your room. Your room is slowly coming together!! I know you are going to love it! It will have a pastel story book cottage look to it by the time I am finished. The perfect peaceful atmosphere for a new baby :0 )
<3 u!
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