Friday, July 16, 2010

35 weeks and 5 days ....

Thats the count in about an hour here.... I am feeling pretty icky these last few days. I am trying super hard to get caught up on editing and staying active and eating well but the heat has been terrible and its really taking a lot out of me. We cant get our bedroom to cool to below 80 degrees no matter what we try and we have central air so its so frustrating. I just wake up all gross. We really need a window air conditioner but Jordons too busy to do it and I can't do it :0 ( The baby dropped last Sunday (Its friday night). She is sitting on my bladder now and its so uncomfortable. I have to pee every 20 minutes because theres no room for anything. I saw a physical therapist and am wearing hip brace now because my hips and lower back keep slipping out. I got a massage today which felt really great, but the pain returned shortly after. I think the hip brace is helping a little though. I am in the process of washing everything for Nieva. I all the sudden felt frantic about getting things ready. We bought a car-seat and crib. We are waiting on the crib in the mail. I am behind on editing which is frustrating but i just feel so tired and swollen and uncomfortable every day that its been hard. I tried to go to the mall with Becca today and was sooooo uncomfortable that I gave up shortly. Jordon went to jazz fest without me. I know every second is worth it but I am seriously ready for this little one to be in my arms and not on my inner organs. lol. ANyways I am going to try to pack part of the hospital bag and work on curtains now. So close!!!

Dear Ava,

I am getting so close to you being here. These last few days have been getting hard because my body is very tired and I am very inpatient about getting to see and hold you for real. I am washing all of your clothes and preparing more of your nursery tonight. Daddy and I can't wait to meet you!


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