My husband and I are expecting and would like to record the process of preparing for our new family member. :0 )
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
37 Week Appointment
Baby is measuring just under 7 pounds (an estimate) and I am measuring a week ahead. She did an exam and have thinned 70% with 1.5 cm dilation so lots of progress (last week only thinned 20%). I am guessing baby won't come this week, but undoubtedly will be soon. Still guessing a little early since I am measuring ahead. Probably next week sometime or the following. We'll see :0 )
-A <3
-A <3
FULL TERM!!!!! 37 Weeks! ~ ALSO 36 Week Picture~

Crib got here today and I am super excited. We are hoping to get it together tomorrow night. Yesterday I went down to Alvord to celebrate my mom getting ordained. STill was having contractions here and there, but nothing much of excitement in the baby department. Today I got home and finished off/mailed out some stuff for my business and then went for sushi with Kristin. Afterwards Jordon emt up with us and we went to the mall and then Barnes and Noble where I looked at some good books to prepare me for labor and weeks coming up after that. We went to eat at Spezia's afetrwards and my Braxton-Hicks started up again....... these endless contractions are getting kind of frustrating, but the tens unit and hip brace have in the very least been helping alot with low back pain, cramps, and contractions. Best news though for this post of course is that it is officially after midnight on July 27....which means baby is considered "Full-Term" as of TODAY!!! :0 ) Baby can come now and be expected to arrive perfectly healthy. That is a super good feeling. She'll be here any day now ...... or maybe a month from now haha.... bu Im hoping for sooner than later. Next Sunday or Monday would be perfect... you know..... not to be picky or anything haha, but Jordons in middle of 10 day working streak until Friday, Katie moves out Friday, and I have one last wedding I am hoping to be able to shoot Saturday for a friend (I do have a back up/second shooter though which is good). So ..... the clock is ticking pretty loud now..... We have my 37 week appointment tomorrow morning so we will see what our midwife says on labor progress signs....
-A <3
Dear Nieva,
Your Gma and Gpa Boer bought a super cute kid's VW bug you can enjoy next summer. Gma also got you a bike with training wheels.... but I think you might be waiting awhile to get on that haha. Tomorrow we put your crib together and put some of the final touches on your nursery. Everyone is very excited to meet you very soon!! :0 )
Love, Mommy
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
New Car Seat and Cover
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
35 weeks Pic
Braxton Hicks
Had Braxton Hicks contractions for a lot of the day today. Its super frustrating because I am trying to get editing done and it makes me all antsy and nervous. I had a lot of cramping with it which worried me, but I called and they assured me everything should be fine unless the contractions start getting closer together or are harder so we will see. haha. Talk about baby playing games with my head!! I have a feeling its going to be soon. Hopefully after next Saturday though because I have a wedding!! Eek haha. The air also had been out since last Saturday (Yah... the air goes out on the hottest day of the summer so we slept in the basement.....). FINALLY got fixed today!
-A <3
-A <3
Few of my maternity session proofs that I loved (34 weeks)!! By Heather Sargent of Heather Michelle Photography
Monday, July 19, 2010
Nursery is progressing....!

35 weeks and 6 days!!!
Finished recovering the glider, ordered the crib, and made a curtain for the baby changer.....
Also washed all the baby clothes, car seat cover, etc... and found a cool vintage baby scale and white screen door for the baby room at an antique shop (recommended when you have pets so they can see into the room and aren't as curious/frustrating to keep out of baby stuff). The screen door will make it so we can hear the baby if she starts crying but protects her room from pets getting in.
Need to order a few more things and keep putting the nursery together and we are getting close.
Last Friday Jordon had me go get a prenatal massage with someone my mom recommended.... was amazing!! :Back is happy!!!! :0 ) (Love you Babe ) :0 )
Also went to a breast feeding class last Wednesday that was very informative. I didn't realize tehre was so much information to be aware of!!! I am really glad I signed up for that. Next week we are going to a class on how to deal with dogs and cats and the new addition. Should be interesting.
-A <3
Friday, July 16, 2010
35 weeks and 5 days ....
Thats the count in about an hour here.... I am feeling pretty icky these last few days. I am trying super hard to get caught up on editing and staying active and eating well but the heat has been terrible and its really taking a lot out of me. We cant get our bedroom to cool to below 80 degrees no matter what we try and we have central air so its so frustrating. I just wake up all gross. We really need a window air conditioner but Jordons too busy to do it and I can't do it :0 ( The baby dropped last Sunday (Its friday night). She is sitting on my bladder now and its so uncomfortable. I have to pee every 20 minutes because theres no room for anything. I saw a physical therapist and am wearing hip brace now because my hips and lower back keep slipping out. I got a massage today which felt really great, but the pain returned shortly after. I think the hip brace is helping a little though. I am in the process of washing everything for Nieva. I all the sudden felt frantic about getting things ready. We bought a car-seat and crib. We are waiting on the crib in the mail. I am behind on editing which is frustrating but i just feel so tired and swollen and uncomfortable every day that its been hard. I tried to go to the mall with Becca today and was sooooo uncomfortable that I gave up shortly. Jordon went to jazz fest without me. I know every second is worth it but I am seriously ready for this little one to be in my arms and not on my inner organs. lol. ANyways I am going to try to pack part of the hospital bag and work on curtains now. So close!!!
Dear Ava,
I am getting so close to you being here. These last few days have been getting hard because my body is very tired and I am very inpatient about getting to see and hold you for real. I am washing all of your clothes and preparing more of your nursery tonight. Daddy and I can't wait to meet you!
Dear Ava,
I am getting so close to you being here. These last few days have been getting hard because my body is very tired and I am very inpatient about getting to see and hold you for real. I am washing all of your clothes and preparing more of your nursery tonight. Daddy and I can't wait to meet you!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
34 weeks & Maternity Pics!!
So tomorrow starts week 35!!! Tonight a friend photographer of mine of Heather Michelle Photography came and did a maternity session for Jordon and I. Heather has a very vintage flair to her work that I love. She sent me one tonight that I will share. LOVE it! I cannot wait to see the rest!! Lana and I are going to play around next week and do some pics of both our bumps haha, so I am excited for that! :0 )
-A <3

Dear Ava,
Mommy and Daddy and you (hiding in my belly) took lots of pics together tonight. I know ti will be super fun someday for you to look back at them and see how loved you were before you were even born. Can't wait to be holding you in my arms next months taking some of the first pics of you in our world.
Love you,
-A <3

Dear Ava,
Mommy and Daddy and you (hiding in my belly) took lots of pics together tonight. I know ti will be super fun someday for you to look back at them and see how loved you were before you were even born. Can't wait to be holding you in my arms next months taking some of the first pics of you in our world.
Love you,
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Centering (Session 5), 33 weeks, & Touring the Birth Place

I was very impressed with Sanford's birthing facilities. All labor and aftercare rooms are designed with equipment hiding behind beautiful wall art. The bathrooms all are new and have large jacuzzi tubs. The after room has beautiful views of the city. They provide a free bistro, towel warming centers, refreshment/hydration nooks, cd players, birthing balls, birthing chairs, etc.... I feel like I am going to stay at a resort for delivery haha. Okay thats an exaggeration, but I was very impressed. We went out to eat afterwards and our waitress said she had her baby at Sanford and it was amazing. She said Her and her husband were treated like royalty and everyone was great. Good to hear for sure!
I am starting to pack my bag for the hospital.... for sure after discussing with other moms...thinking I will bring:
all my hypnobirthing meditations
spa cd
battery operated candles
essential oils for tub
foot scrub?
massage oil (for Jordon haha)
funny movies
babies first outfit
car seat
something for me to wear home
and of course all the usual necessities like straightener, makeup, bla bla.....
I really am convinced at this point that I can survive an all natural birth. Maybe things won't work out that way and I will have to go another route, but for now I think this will be the plan. I feel more prepared and calm everyday.
Jordon and I, after deciding to go the natural route, made our birth plan tonight to give to the hospital upon arrival. We also registered to donate my cord blood. We can't really afford to keep it, but maybe it will help someone down the road. <3
Dear Ava,
Tonight Daddy and I sat in you room and discussed delivery. We want for you to come into this world in the most peaceful and positive way possible. While we discussed this I painted the letters of your name that are going to hang on ribbon in your nursery and also a white shelf for your room. Your room is slowly coming together!! I know you are going to love it! It will have a pastel story book cottage look to it by the time I am finished. The perfect peaceful atmosphere for a new baby :0 )
<3 u!
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