Our Hypnobirthing book says its good to interact with your baby in the womb already through speaking, music, and gentle pats and rubs, because its been proven if baby's are interacted with they will do better once born (less fussing, sleep better, develop faster... interesting). One thing it said is to read to your belly because the baby can hear your voices. Tonight Jordon read "How do You Hop so High"(a Tigger book from Aunt Cathy at our shower) to Ava. I had wanted to read to her for awhile, but decided tonight was a good night because she had been reacting a lot to sounds and noises around her today. Katie and I laid out by the pool this afternoon and after awhile a bunch of kids came and were really loud and she was moving all over. Tonight was Jordon's fam reunion and she reacted several times to loud laughter and noises. I had read children will react to their father and mother's voice in the womb also so today in the car I sang to her and she lulled back and forth slowly as if soothed. When Jordon read to her, she slowly moved almost the entire time as if very interested by his voice. It made Jordon and I both smile a lot. As a funny side note... Jordon's story even soothed Snow Butt who laid right next to my belly and started purring louder than I had heard in a long time hahaha. Guess Daddy needs to have story hour more for Ava and Snow Butt. Pretty good intro into his first "Father's Day" I guess :0 )
-A <3
Dear Ava,
Daddy read you your first bed time story tonight in my tummy. I know you heard his silly impersonations of Tigger and Roo and Eeyore and Pooh because you lulled slowly around the entire time he read to you. Snow Butt also purred loudly. Daddy's a good story teller. He even made sure to explain a few of things he read that you couldn't see (which I thought was adorable...Mommy was smiling and laughing the entire time). You had never moved in that way for that long. You did the same when I sang to you in the car today on the way to our family reunion at Grandma Becky's. You are reacting to sound so much lately. It's 12:01 am of Daddy's first "sort-of" Father's Day. I think you made it very special for him by reacting to his story. It was a really special family moment. We can't wait to read to you when you are in our arms instead of my tummy! :0 )
Love you,
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