Yesterday was a lot of fun. I am officially 31 weeks pregnant now so just shy of 8 months. While I am noticing that things are getting harder for me to do and that fatique sets in more often, I cannot say I feel miserable. I am feeling overwhelmed a touch.. I am still woking 2 days/week at the hospital, weddings almost every weekend, shoots most free nights, and lots of editing.... along with lots of plans for a baby nursery that is needing attention. I am hoping to get to it soon.
Sunday we bought 4 reusable diapers and I have 2 more I have to pick up from Elegant Mommy. They are all super cute in pinks and purples and even one thats bright orange. They've certainly come a long ways from the boring rags and safety pins that used to predominate the reusable diaper market. I think we got plenty of diapers at the shower too to hold us over in terms of throw away diapers to supplement so we just need to keep accumulating reusables and we are off to a good start in that department I think. Major things we still need are our crib ordered (mom gave us the check... we just need to order it), a tall baby swing (tall so kitties aren't as tempted to hop in for the ride), pet netting, and then down the road gates and safety items.
I crocheted the majority of a cute green and pink striped baby hat yesterday while Jordon and his family went fishing at the lake by our house and then did a fish fry for lunch. Jordon, Aaron, and I went swimming in the afternoon. It was such a beautiful day for it and felt so amazing to be floating. Feeling weightless is great right now. I was only out in the sun for 30 minutes and used lots of sunblock, but still burnt a little, but it felt great to get some sun. I hope to get lots more before baby comes :0 ) After that, Jordon and I got ready to go to our 3rd Hypnobirthing Class. I think I am getting better everytime at being able to relax myself. I did have a little anxiety after leaving though as I discovered I really don't know much at all about the actual labor/delivery process. Most the moms in the class were on their 2nd kid and I felt like they were speaking another language when they asked certain questions. Jordon made me feel better though as I know we will be discussing a lot of that stuff in centering classes and I still have time to research everything. We are interested in donating cord blood we decided also during class so I need to call on that too. I don't think we can afford to save it for Nieva, but if we can help someone else down the road by donating it I pray we will be fortunate enough to blessed in return should the need arise.
After the class, Jordon and I went to chill at Barnes and Noble for a few hours. I of course had to look at pregnancy mags and books and even picked out an album to showcase all my belly bump pictures in. Found some interesting information on using tens units during labor (British tradition) as well as some Doula techniques recommended to help with labor. We have considered a Doula, but I think we probably are going to skip it as of now. I am hoping Jordon can be supportive and informed enough to be there for me aside from the midwife throughout labor.
We ate at Qdoba after B&N. Was fun sitting n the patio there as the sun set. Was just a really relaxing and great day yesterday.
-A <3
Dear Ava,
You are punching and kicking so much at night that sometimes Mommy startles awake, but it is so reassuring to feel your presence that I can hardly be irritated. I know this is such a special time that will be gone before I know it. I think you are going to be a fiery child. You will likely be born a Leo (A fire sign)... which I am excited about because it means you are highly compatible with both Jordon and I's signs. I know astrology is new age jibberish, yet it shocks me how accurate it is with the people I get along the best with.
I knit you a cute hat yesterday. Its a very pretty pale pink and sage green striped long stocking hat. I think it should fit you into the colder months of Autumn that will be coming soon after you are born. Snow Butt has been extra clingly lately and he likes to cuddle with my belly and paw at it. Sometimes you kick back in response. He is very curious about you. I hope you will eventually be able to be buds. I think the other critters are pretty oblivious, but they will all get to meet you soon enough. Grandma Becky got you some cute outfits and bottles and pucks this past week that will look so cute on you. I can't believe in as little as 2 months I may be holding you! :0 )
Love you!!
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