I hope to put my heart and soul into this sweet boy in the same way I did for Nieva. Its of course a touch more difficult as I have more I am spread between these days. I will include some weekly bump shots to catch up here.
I have been working with Sandra Maurer of Whole Beginnings (Name may be changing soon) to stay on Target with some different things. We started working together on fertility education and now are working on pregnancy education. Have been re-educating myself on a ton and newly educating myself as well as so much has changed the past 7 years.
We are still working on whether we would like to opt for c-section due to history or try for natural birth. There is much that goes into that decision and is ours alone, but will keep the progress on that decision updated of course. :)
As far as health, there has been some ebbing and flowing. Nieva was sick off and on about 6 weeks here. Two positive strep tests and then suspected influenza and then last week I had caught a horrid viral cold of some kind. This week Nieva broke out in rash and low grade fever and a barky cough. Long story short this has been interrupting my yoga teaching schedule and my groove. Starting fresh this week. We purchased a treadmill and today was my first day to start on that.
I know what people say about treadmills. They turn into clothing racks lol. But I am really hopeful to keep at this for the sake of our little peanut. I also am doing a lot of squats and yoga as well as teaching kids and restorative yoga as it has worked with illness. I have found I am VERY "vata" (see Ayurvedic constitutions) this winter. Very anxious and overwhelmed thinking about everything to prepare for babe. The dry cold weather is making ti worse. Also, worrying about nutrients and what to eat or not eat and getting enough protein and thyroid healthy foods. I have been vegetarian for over 5 years now so have been incorporating some (pregnancy-safe) sea food here and there and I can tell the iodine uptake is helping with thyroid function and mood. Even though I am really not a big fan of fish I am working towards balancing. Seeing many studies show eating seafood is linked to higher intelligence in children later so why not? Have been inspired while reading "Your Fit Pregnancy" (Willick) and am hoping to incorporate some healthy changes from that.
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Today I am starting a personal challenge. I made a 30 day challenge for the moms in one of the Cancer Mom groups I am in so we could have some accountability together. I am modifying for me a touch for pregnancy. Today was 25 minutes walking on the treadmill, 25 squats and some gentle floor yoga. I walked 3-4 miles at the Omaha Zoo Tuesday and will be walking a lot I am sure on upcoming vacations so trying to stay in shape (Texas in 3 weeks, Cali in April, Spain and Italy in May, and Florida in June). 3>Also, making a commitment to cutting out cheese and sugar as well as possible.
In other news, we got Baby Shower scheduled for April 22. Making a registry and guest list for that over the weekend between work edits. :)
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Hurray for baby boy!! :D