Lots of firsts this month. Nieva started sitting up a few weeks ago. She got to start sitting in her high chair this month too which has been great. She entertains herself so much better now and I have been able to catch up on a lot of house work. Thanks to a few friends' organizational suggestions I have been able to get the energy in this house feeling so much better. Business has been good with photography too. I keep perfectly busy imo. Much more and I would feel a little overwhelmed, so that is good. Nieva has been loving her toy drum and bouncy set this month too. While Jordon and I were in Utah Nieva cut a tooth and then a few days later she cut one more. She can stand for periods of time with no help holding onto items and so far dr's appt have been good. She also started eating her first meals (organic one grain oatmeal). She enjoys spitting this month too and sadly thats what happens to most of her solid food thus far (it gets spit and sputtered across the room when she is sick of it lol. Her 6 month appt is tomorrow so will try to update with weight height stats.
-A <3

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