Thanks to Steve (my bro-in-law) for the bracket to hang this, and of course to Jordon for helping me hang it.
-A <3
Dear Ava,
Mommy and Daddy had a rough night last night because contractions started at 10:30 to be 5 minutes apart and we werent sure if it was labor. We decided to try sleep at 2am even though they hadn't gotten better. I woke up to them still at 5 and then at 8 started having back pain with them and decided to go in. Terri, one of our midwives, sent us back home and said to come back in if they got too painful to handle so .... we thought we were going to get to meet you today, but so far you are still nestled in my belly. It won't be long though I presume. :0 )
Love you!
-Mommy <3
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