(Aug. 2) 2 cm dilated, almost completely thinned. Baby's head just needs to drop a touch more. She said could be tomorrow or could be several weeks. At this point its anyone's guess :0 )
(Aug. 3) In centering we discussed diapers, diaper services, the 5 S's (shhhing, swaddling, swinging, shaking, and side-lying), and practiced swaddling babies. I'm still hooing we get to have the guys do the empathy belly (for sheer entertainment purposes haha).
Jordon read "The Birth Partner" by Penny Simkin to prepare and said it was really informative. Between him reading that and going to our classes and having a doula.... I feel like my anxiety levels have dropped 10 fold. Cari Jo (our doula) and I met today for coffee to discuss hypno-birthing and our birth plan further. She was really informative on some issues I hadn't thought of and didn't know about. I like that she can be our advocate and go to person if we are scared as to whether something that arises is normal or necessary etc...
-A <3