So I am in 26th week now, but here is my 25 week pics.
We had a horrible night last night. My back has been hurting and have been having headaches last few days, but yesterday I started getting these really sharp pains every hour or so and then by 9:30 at night when I started recording the intervals I realized they were getting a lot closer together like contractions would and started to worry maybe these were contractions. I called my midwife around 12:30-1 am and she said to come in to ER right away. We came into ER right ahead of a woman whose water had broke. I think that got my anxiety levels going. I started getting really scared bc obviously its waaay to early to be going into labor if that was the problem though. They hooked me up to some monitors and ran some tests and watched when I was having the pains which were now between 5 and 10 min apart. My nurse seemed completely baffled. They didn't appear to be contractions, but she wasn't sure what they were. After being monitored for a few hours they released us and I was given sleeping meds and was told to call back in if I had more problems. The icing on the cake was getting pulled over when we were less than a mile away from home, but Jordon just got a warning bc apparently he hadn't come to a "full stop" at a stop light. I think this was code for "I want to dbl check if you have been drinking". We got to bed about 5 and I had a horrible headache and was still having the pains. I woke up and have still been having them, but they are very irregular today. The midwife thought I could be having pain from old scar tissue from endometriosis laparoscopies I have had done. The scar tissue may be ripping from my stretching organs and causing a lot of pain. Hopefully it stops soon. My sister's open-house is today and I am hoping to be able to be there a little while. I slept until 4:20 today.... evidence of how crappy I feel I guess. Hopefully all gets to feeling better. Dang endometriosis!!
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