So Mother's Day is always chaos... especially being married! I have my mom, 2 grandmas, and Jordon's mom. I made the rounds and was able to see them all and bring gifts for everyone despite the fact Jordon had to work all day (bummer). I stopped by Becky's first with balloons and had gotten her a year's subscription to Women's World (her fav. mag.). Then was off to Hills to see my Grandma J and my mom. I got them both a beautiful 4 generation picture frame (to put family pic in after babies are born) and balloons from me and my sisters. After that headed to Okoboji to my Grandma Boer's cabin. We all got her a nice picture for the lake house and balloons. After almost hitting 4 deer, having to head back to Okoboji bc we almost ran out of gas, getting turned away from a first gas station, getting distracted by some talkative guy for 30 minutes at a 2nd gas station, and THEN getting pulled over for a missing tail light......... My dad, me, Becca, and Trevor FINALLY made it back to my car and Lester and I headed home. Got home about 11.
I had hinted to Jordon a few days ago when we were talking about Mother's Day that I am almost a mom haha. His response was "nice try". haha. He still surprised me though when I got home tonight from all the get togethers with a nice card and a hanging flower basket for the porch. Also got a back rub out of the deal. No complaints haha. I wish I could have seen my mom more though. I thought she was going to Okoboji too, but she decided not to. WIll have to maybe go down later this week or something. Tomorrow I lead a workshop at 6 so I suppose I better get off to bed.
-A <3
Dear Ava,
Mommy had a great surprise today. Your Great Grandma Boer had made this incredibly elegant crib bedding set a few years back for your 2nd cousin. I had asked about it because it was so beautiful and sentimental since grandma had made it. Unfortunately, your great aunt had sold it- so I thought I would never see it again. Your great grandma was a little bummed it had been sold. She hadn't seen it in 10 years.... but then just a few days after I asked her about it she was shopping in a used decor store in Rock Valley. Guess what she found there.......! That incredibly beautiful crib set that she made all those years ago in absolutely perfect condition. It was like God heard our conversation and brought her right to it. While I am sure it was a little depressing to have to buy the bed set she had created herself (haha).... she was oh so excited to surprise me with it today. Looks like your bright pink theme might be waiting until your toddler bed is set up. Your nursery now will be a very classy beautiful array of victorian whites and pastels.. which honestly will probably match the victorian alice and humpty dumpty pints even better than the bright color scheme. :0 ) I just know you will love it!
Love you,