For my bday today (I guess technically yesterday now) I had a lot of fun. Jordon started it off by sneaking off before I woke up to get my presents (typical guy haha), and then came home and surprised me with breakfast in bed complete with a huge white rose. After I got ready for the day I opened my gifts. Jordon got me a stereo/cd player for my car that will work with my ipod. I am excited about that! He also got me a controller to play some old SNES games on the Wii (We are borrowing my parent's Wii this weekend and hopefully getting our own soon). After that, Jordon took the dogs, Snow Butt, and I to a nature area to relax and enjoy the nice day. It was a beautiful day. Snowy had lots of fun and we took some fun pictures. We then went shopping, went to Johnny Carinos for supper, and then came home and relaxed. I got a pretty good backrub to boot. Birthdays rock :0 ) Last Friday we celebrated my bday with friends, and Sunday we celebrated with family. I will post the other birthday pics at my Manda's Adventures in Wonderland Blog, but here are some from today including a few 21 week belly pics :0 ). :0 )
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