I was reading Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine's Feb '10 edition and it talked about how it can be really fun to write out what traits/features you would like to see in your baby. So here goes...(just for fun ;0 )
I have a feeling we will have a ***blue eyed blonde haired*** baby. We both have blue eyes and both were VERY blonde when we were kids.
I think **BabY** might have a ***cowlick*** too. Jordon has a cowlick and so does my dad (Jordon's in front and my dad's is in the back). I think it would be cute on a boy, but I will feel bad if we have a girl with one hee hee.
I hope **Baby** gets Jordon's ***brains***, but my ***free spirit***.
I hope **BaBy** has Jordon's **long eyelashes** and some of his **height**. I think our children will be tall because I think i was supposed to be tall (evidenced by my big feet and long waist). Plus, my mom and dad are 6'0" and 6'4". Jordon is 6'4".
I hope Baby gets some of my family's **artistic abilities**, Jordon's **musical talent**, and my **vocal talent**.
I hope **BaBy** has a soft spot for people and animals that need love, as well as ***critical thinking skills*** teamed with ***empathy and sensitivity***.
I hope **BabY** will learn to be kind and patient with others..... (i.e. not get Jordon's temper haha).
Hopefully **BabY** won't be as stubborn as either of us either lol.
(im trying to find Jordon's baby pics to add here too :0 )
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