So I love our house and didn't think it was possible, but I am kind of getting sick of being in here all the time. Working on this paper in combo with the cold weather and not being able to tan has really been wearing me down.
I think part of the problem is I love the color brown so all our furniture and decor was brownish hues....which kind of all disappears into our brown wooden walls now. I am trying to think of ways to brighten up the living area. I have this vision down the road for light wood floors, bigger windows, lighter furniture and some bright colors.... maybe a fun green color of draperies and green and white throw pillows with glass coffee table and fun wall decor and flowers....
That will have to be a project for quite some time from now though since we unfortunately have our fair share of bills already lined up for this coming year. Necessary house fix-its, upcoming trips, and the deductible and necessities for baby are taking care of extra funds for now..... A girl can dream though.
I am excited for summer so I can do some work outside too. I really want to do some landscaping with bushes and plant a vegetable garden on the N. side of the property. :0 )
Anywho....nothing real exciting in baby land today. A few weeks from now we do some preliminary genetic testing and have our 12 week ultra sound. There is a slight chance we find out the gender then already which would be great because that would give me a whole new list of sewing projects to start.
I want to make curtains, a bed set, and some big fun throw pillows for the nursery. Just got sewing machine back from Helen (she was borrowing it), so I am excited to get on that.
First things first though....and that means finishing this darned honors paper.....Its going to eat up the rest of this month....and I am beginning to fear it may drift even into February if Nancy and Sal think it needs that time.....
I also need to figure out a way to pay for my student loans once they start up this spring. Hoping photography will take care of that... but it needs to be warmer before I can do much of that again...
All in due time one day a time..... :0 )
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