Since first grade, I have been a "recorder" and a "writer". Since then I have tried to journal, photograph, and scrapbook the bits and baubles of my life. This week, I found out I was pregnant. I had a hunch 2 weeks back that I was, but waited patiently for the days to crawl by so I could be sure and indeed now I am (Found out Dec. 7 I think??). According to medical dating I am about 4 and a half weeks pregnant. I know there are a lot of risks in the first three months, but I feel really optimistic that everything will be okay. I was told at one time that with my endometriosis I may never have children, so I feel incredibly blessed right now. This is the reason for my blog address (Blessed Bity Baby). Bienheureux Bébé Papillon Petit (The title on this page) is a play off of Bienheureux Papillon Petit Bébé. This is French phrase which means Blessed little baby butterfly (I have been studying French for a little over a year. While I certainly do not claim to be a master it is fun to incorporate at times).
Yesterday, my mom was in an extra pleasant mood. Jordon and I threw a Xmas social wednesday and she and my sister, Lana, had spent the night so they were both in town most of the day yesterday. We went for breakfast at I HOP (at like 12:30 pm haha), and after my astronomy class, we went to Once Upon a Child together. Once Upon a Child is a great second hand place mothers and mothers to be. I got several great books on pregnancy which were only 1-2$ a piece. I also bought a book about the benefits of listening to classical music and staying stress free during pregnancy and a baby Einstein cd (Yes... I realize I am waaaay ahead of myself haha). After that, we went downtown Sioux Falls (I always enjoy the shops down there). Two new stores (Baby Elements and Child's Play Toys) have opened recently. Baby elements carries great handcrafted baby items (examples below) and Child's Play Toys carries lots of old fashioned and vintage children's toys, crafts, and etc... We ended our rendez-vous with warm drinks and a Dutch Almond Bar at De Hoek. I don't do things like that particularly often so it wa really fun. I am looking forward to more fun days like this with family members after I finish my undergrad classes next week Tuesday. :0 )
The journey begins......
from Baby Elements
aww those little shoes are so stinkin cute!