Today started off well enough... Dad made French toast and bacon. Soon after though a really bad headache started in... followed by nausea....and then not keeping food down.... Nothing seemed to work. I tired Tylenol, ginger, B6, you name it and the misery was tehre to stay. My family needed to get me back to Sioux Falls and Becca had to be at work in Hills by 5 but wasn't trusting her car to get her there so I had to endure a truck ride that took about an hour over bumpy horrible roads back up to my house. I was throwing up the whole way into a bag.... needless to say I think it was good birth control for my little sister haha. ANyways after i got home and my parents left I had an asthma attack just to top it all off... probably because I was already so worked up in combo with the fact I had been advised to stop the Zyrtec so my allergies have been bad. I am completely exhausted now, but feeling slightly better and have been keeping crackers and sprite down. Jordon will be home soon with some chicken soup I can try. I am scared if my tummy is empty too long I will feel really sick again. No fun.... hopefully this is an isolated event.... Only 5 weeks and usually people don't have these symptoms anymore so wish me luck!
-A <3
My husband and I are expecting and would like to record the process of preparing for our new family member. :0 )
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Happy Holidays were had... despite the blizzards best efforts....

So we got dumped on this Christmas. The evening of the 23rd, Jordon got home at 10. It was coming down pretty good and we were hoping we could make it to his mom's the next morning for Christmas Eve. Luckily it cleared for most of Christmas Eve morning and early afternoon and we did make it to our Larchwood family Christmas. Later the interstates shut down and there was white out conditions that whole night and into the next day (Christmas). The plows weren't even doing the roads to Alvord and there was several feet of snow....
It was looking like there was no way we were going to make it to my parents until my Uncle proposed our Christmas miracle.. We knew the state highway had been cleared so we could make it half way to Alvord... My Uncle Lance then offered to plow a 7 mile long gravel road, and then the 3 miles back to town so we could get to my parent's house. A drive that usually only takes 10 minutes took us an hour... but dang if we didn't make it (Lance and his tractor leading the way). The best part was when we got to the Alvord corner and the Hallelujah chorus came on the radio. It was a Christmas miracle!!! We made it home and got to open gifts/have supper with my family.
Christmas wasn't all glorious though... Kristin and Mary didn't get to come home which I was super bummed about. Also, my parent's family cat that I love has been very sick and my mom thinks he has FIP. He had a seizure in front of all of us Christmas night and my sisters were really shaken up. Everyone was crying and it was aweful. He is one of the loviest and friendliest cats I have ever known and it is really hard to see him this way. There was nothing we could do either because there were no vets open...or roads to take him in. He is still in pretty bad shape today. I have a bad feeling he is going to have to get put down. Nothing merry about that :0 (
Despite horrible weather, the absence of my friends, and the ill health of a beloved pet... I am thankful I at least got to see my family. This Christmas certainly will be one I don't soon forget.... I imagine someday **BaBy** will hear all about the great Christmas Blizzard of '09. :0 ) Please say a prayer for our kitty, Chester, if you get the chance. he is a magnificent orange main coon and will be very much missed should we not be able to get him well :0 ( Its been a bad year with cats for our family. Makes me really miss Abner... even if he was only friendly to a few people. Sure loved that little guy. Chester may sadly soon be keeping him company at the Rainbow Bridge. Its always hard to see a loved one like this... even if it is a kitty.
- A <3
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Yes it is true... I am officially craving EVERYthing that I shouldn't be...... cheeseburgers, mac and cheese, pizza, chicken strips, fried this and thats...... lol. I'm hanging in there tonight though- Mushroom spaghetti, water, milk, and for dessert- 2 small clementines. Not a pound gained so far... actually have lost about 5 pounds (which I have read is pretty normal).... but I am not sure these cravings are a good indicator of things to come..... On the bright side, once I get going with my classes at the wellness center that should help me to crave healthier things (in Anywho... I have a rework of my honor's thesis due tomorrow.... so back to that.
-A <3
-A <3
6 Week Appt!
So I had my appt. today at Sanford for my 6 week check up. News? Not too much, but I did do an ultrasound and got to see the first pictures of **BaBy**. Jordon and I got to see his or her little heart beating. Not much to see yet, but it was really relieving to know that **BaBy** was in the right spot and heart beat was perfectly normal. Everything looked good! :0 ) We also got info about Baby centering classes, and Pregnancy workout options at Sanford Wellness. They do water aerobics, which I am pretty excited about. Here's a pic. Like I said, not much to see yet, but that ball is where baby is :0 )
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tummy Hunny

So.... the last few days I had been itching quite a bit on my back and came to find out by accident today that this is probably my skin starting to stretch/prepare to stretch for **BaBy**. I got hilights and a haircut today (which might I add was amazing!) and my stylist's partner suggested a great cream that has worked for her and friends. It helps with the itching and is supposed to prevent stretchmarks so wish me luck haha... Its called Tummy Hunny. They sell it at Baby town so I went and got some and while I obviously don't know much so far... I will say it smells absolutely amazing which is a plus to start with! If anyone else has fun recommendations for anything baby... send them my way :0 ) My 1st Appt. with my midwife is tomorrow. :0 )
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Letting my Mom's Side know about **BaBy** at X-mas Celebration Today & New Video Camera!!!
So.... we had X-mas get together on Johnson side today and I had packed up and wrapped a special gift for Grandma and Grandpa Johnson today to let them officially know their first great grandchild is in process and on his or her way. Yay!! It had a note that said....
"Congratulations! As of August 17, 2009, you will have been promoted to "GREAT" Grandma and Grandpa".
haha. Angie about cried and Grandma was so excited!! We told them they have to keep it under wraps though until we tell my Dad's side at our Christmas get together this coming weekend. Secret has been going pretty well except Cole accidentally found out from his Spanish instructor, but aside from that nobody knows and it was so much fun lol. Will post some pictures soon!! :0 ) They both took a pic with the note!! So cute!! :0 )
Jordon and me also exchanged presents because Jordon couldn't wait any longer haha. He had surprised me with a video camera!!! That will be so great to video **BaBy** when he/she gets here :0 ) He also got me some black suede boots. I had got him True Religion cologne set, some sweaters from Macy's, Young Frankenstein, and Blazing Saddles.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Shopping w Lars and little Lexie

So today was a lot of fun! After dropping Alfred off to get neutered/declawed I got a text from Lars that she was in town with Lexie (her little girl). It was so much to bum around the mall and look at baby clothes and maternity clothes and get some xmas shopping done! Lexie was a little angel all day which was good because it just made me more excited. She's adorable! She took a pic with Santa Claus and just smiled and smiled haha (Doesn't she look ridiculously happy!?!? My friends are so lucky to have such smiley happy little girls). I also got lots of great advice on clothing brands, strollers, etc... The walking was great exercise too. For fun I am going to add a comic that resonates with how I have felt this past week haha.... :0 )
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
...B/C Prego Pictures are Fun!!! Almost 6 Weeks....!
First appt went great!! All is well so far. :0 ) Due date is August 17!!! 6 Week appt with midwife next week will maybe reveal more :0 )
So Jordon took these tonight. Sorry I'm not smiling...I forgot!?! Come on .... you know all I am thinking about is sucking in so it looks like I'm keeping my pre-prego physique as long as possible haha..... if you have been pregnant... you know what I'm talking about!!

So Jordon took these tonight. Sorry I'm not smiling...I forgot!?! Come on .... you know all I am thinking about is sucking in so it looks like I'm keeping my pre-prego physique as long as possible haha..... if you have been pregnant... you know what I'm talking about!!

Last Day of Finals!! First Dr.s Appt.!
So I just had my painting III critique/final and that went great!! Pulled an A so thrilled about that! Next up is Astronomy Final and then I am off to Lwood for my first Dr.s appt. No ultrasounds or anything, but I am going to go over all my meds and draw blood to double check my hypothyroidism. Sometimes dosage needs to increase with that. Anywho wish me luck. Will update this tonight. :0 )
-A <3
-A <3
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Finals.... ugh
Not feeling so hot today :0 ( Have been in bed pretty much all day. I want to study for my exams tomorrow, but I just feel so nauseous and tired... fun times. I am really glad I won't have school to worry about much after tomorrow. I was supposed to go to the Madrigals senior supper and hang out with Katie tonight after that to celebrate and now I am bummed bc I have just realized neither of those things are going to happen. Bummer day in baby land....
-A <3
-A <3
Monday, December 14, 2009
Smelly Lady at Camille's.....
So just a random blurp but... this whole "being able to smell better while pregnant" thing got kind of annoying today... This lady came and sat 2 booths away from me at Camille's and she smelled so bad I thought i was going to lose my lunch...... How could she not smell herself!!!??? lol. Anyways.... that is pretty much the extent of pregnancy updates for now haha.
- A <3
- A <3
Appts... Appts... :0 )
So tomorrow I go in for my first appointment at L Medical Clinic so we can go over meds and just confirm that everything seems alright. Then next Tuesday (December 22, 2009) I have my 6 week appt with a Midwife that was recommended to me by Lars @ the new "castle" in town.
As far as how I am feeling today... I wanted to get up at 9 to study for finals and paint, but I had a terrible stomach ache so took some pep. bis. and laid back down and now I am feeling queasy, but a lot better than I was feeling.
I have to run to hobby lobby for some paint and then I have to do the finishing touches on all my paintings and finish studying for my astronomy final tomorrow.
Thurs poor little Alfred is getting neutered and declawed so he will need some tlc friday I am sure. Jordon is having a couch surfer over tonight and I ma really not sure how I feel about that because I may want toget up early to study and idk I just haven't been in the mood to be entertaining overnight guests unless I know them, but I suppose I will survive. Hope my test tomorrow goes well. I have been so lethargic and tired that I hope Im not cloudy while taking it. I don't want to make any dumb mistakes bc the final is over 1/2 my grade and I am guessing I have an A as of now.
-A <3
As far as how I am feeling today... I wanted to get up at 9 to study for finals and paint, but I had a terrible stomach ache so took some pep. bis. and laid back down and now I am feeling queasy, but a lot better than I was feeling.
I have to run to hobby lobby for some paint and then I have to do the finishing touches on all my paintings and finish studying for my astronomy final tomorrow.
Thurs poor little Alfred is getting neutered and declawed so he will need some tlc friday I am sure. Jordon is having a couch surfer over tonight and I ma really not sure how I feel about that because I may want toget up early to study and idk I just haven't been in the mood to be entertaining overnight guests unless I know them, but I suppose I will survive. Hope my test tomorrow goes well. I have been so lethargic and tired that I hope Im not cloudy while taking it. I don't want to make any dumb mistakes bc the final is over 1/2 my grade and I am guessing I have an A as of now.
-A <3
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Nausea begins... not looking fwd to this symptom.....
So... cramps are gone this morning (whew... if ectopic I am pretty sure they would be continuing and getting worse). I am at Dunn Brothers Coffee this morning (Yes I got up before noon and technically did not have to). I am bummed though because I would like to go to church and Jordon works like EVERY Sunday! I just am not comfortable going by myself. Anyways, I get to Dunn Brothers coffee to start studying for my astronomy final and realize how incredibly nauseous I am and that there is no way the usual decaf coffee is going to sit well.... so I here I am.... crabbily drinking a sprite at a coffee house lol. Hope this doesn't become a trend..... Its not horrible I guess. I just feel really queezy and weird.
-A <3
Hope this is just normal weirdness.....
Lots of cramping on the left side this past morning and tonight. This was kind of freaking me out since past surgeries have put me at risk for ectopic pregnancy. I started googling and it seems a lot of women have complained of similar pains in their 5th week and were fine, so I'm not going to freak out. Its likely normal stretching and shifting of the body as it prepares for pregnancy. Just to make sure though I am going to go in right away Monday morning I think. I wish I wasn't such a worry wart.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A poem I had written last February....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Dream of our Future Child.....
oh sweet child
of our future
sweet baby unborn
existence is fragile
yet will come with ease
I see your light eyes
and golden hair-
your enrapturous smile
your mind without care
Your song like the
blue bird, your heart
true to good,
healthy, and to
evil withstood
May you come swiftly
with ease and with care
and trial us not
but love us as fair
nonexistent, its true,
as reality stands-
but in my dreams I can
see u holding my hand
I cherish our freedom
and yet I will say
that I can't wait to meet you
how I long for that day.
Feb. 24, 2009
A Dream of our Future Child.....
oh sweet child
of our future
sweet baby unborn
existence is fragile
yet will come with ease
I see your light eyes
and golden hair-
your enrapturous smile
your mind without care
Your song like the
blue bird, your heart
true to good,
healthy, and to
evil withstood
May you come swiftly
with ease and with care
and trial us not
but love us as fair
nonexistent, its true,
as reality stands-
but in my dreams I can
see u holding my hand
I cherish our freedom
and yet I will say
that I can't wait to meet you
how I long for that day.
Feb. 24, 2009
Painting in my baby's room....
Almost 5 weeks.... Whats going on.....
So what weird things made sense after I found out I was pregnant...?
The oddest and most unexpected symptom of pregnancy is that I can smell absolutely everything. Apparently, a heightened sense of smell is common in the first few weeks of pregnancy. I'm not sure I like this as most smells that have become heightened are not pleasant ones... I started noticing this about a week before I found out I was pregnant and was really weirded out.
I would stand up and feel a little dizzy all the time... makes sense now...
Exhaustion/ short of breath:
I would walk up the stairs and wow...! It was like I had just ran a quarter mile.
Apparently this is common too, but it scared me at first because I was worried it meant I was miscarrying or something bad was happening.
So... the books I got have helped a lot in making feel more calm about everything. Its weird... I am almost 25, but I really did not know anything about what to expect being pregnant except the horror stories of morning sickness and extreme crabbiness. So far I feel pretty good.... of course these symptoms often don't develop until around 6-8 weeks.... I am just going to pray I am one of the lucky ones....
I woke up this morning very crampy and tired, but overall not too bad. I am so excited to be done with classes next week. I will still be working on an independent study project through January and hopefully getting my photography webpage launched, but I sense this is going to be an overall low key pregnancy which is great. Me and my anxiety really don't need any extra things to worry about right now. The timing really could not have been more perfect. :0 )
The oddest and most unexpected symptom of pregnancy is that I can smell absolutely everything. Apparently, a heightened sense of smell is common in the first few weeks of pregnancy. I'm not sure I like this as most smells that have become heightened are not pleasant ones... I started noticing this about a week before I found out I was pregnant and was really weirded out.
I would stand up and feel a little dizzy all the time... makes sense now...
Exhaustion/ short of breath:
I would walk up the stairs and wow...! It was like I had just ran a quarter mile.
Apparently this is common too, but it scared me at first because I was worried it meant I was miscarrying or something bad was happening.
So... the books I got have helped a lot in making feel more calm about everything. Its weird... I am almost 25, but I really did not know anything about what to expect being pregnant except the horror stories of morning sickness and extreme crabbiness. So far I feel pretty good.... of course these symptoms often don't develop until around 6-8 weeks.... I am just going to pray I am one of the lucky ones....
I woke up this morning very crampy and tired, but overall not too bad. I am so excited to be done with classes next week. I will still be working on an independent study project through January and hopefully getting my photography webpage launched, but I sense this is going to be an overall low key pregnancy which is great. Me and my anxiety really don't need any extra things to worry about right now. The timing really could not have been more perfect. :0 )
Gaining a library....
....yes a library! Library of pregnancy books. Maybe you are thinking... "don't you really just need one??". Well, in theory yes, but they have been fun to go through for some different takes (scientific, humor, dictionary, These were each just a dollar or two at one of the local second hand baby stores.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Amazon Browsing.... Baby Dreams...
~* A nEw PaTh for A nEw JouRnEy ~*
Since first grade, I have been a "recorder" and a "writer". Since then I have tried to journal, photograph, and scrapbook the bits and baubles of my life. This week, I found out I was pregnant. I had a hunch 2 weeks back that I was, but waited patiently for the days to crawl by so I could be sure and indeed now I am (Found out Dec. 7 I think??). According to medical dating I am about 4 and a half weeks pregnant. I know there are a lot of risks in the first three months, but I feel really optimistic that everything will be okay. I was told at one time that with my endometriosis I may never have children, so I feel incredibly blessed right now. This is the reason for my blog address (Blessed Bity Baby). Bienheureux Bébé Papillon Petit (The title on this page) is a play off of Bienheureux Papillon Petit Bébé. This is French phrase which means Blessed little baby butterfly (I have been studying French for a little over a year. While I certainly do not claim to be a master it is fun to incorporate at times).
Yesterday, my mom was in an extra pleasant mood. Jordon and I threw a Xmas social wednesday and she and my sister, Lana, had spent the night so they were both in town most of the day yesterday. We went for breakfast at I HOP (at like 12:30 pm haha), and after my astronomy class, we went to Once Upon a Child together. Once Upon a Child is a great second hand place mothers and mothers to be. I got several great books on pregnancy which were only 1-2$ a piece. I also bought a book about the benefits of listening to classical music and staying stress free during pregnancy and a baby Einstein cd (Yes... I realize I am waaaay ahead of myself haha). After that, we went downtown Sioux Falls (I always enjoy the shops down there). Two new stores (Baby Elements and Child's Play Toys) have opened recently. Baby elements carries great handcrafted baby items (examples below) and Child's Play Toys carries lots of old fashioned and vintage children's toys, crafts, and etc... We ended our rendez-vous with warm drinks and a Dutch Almond Bar at De Hoek. I don't do things like that particularly often so it wa really fun. I am looking forward to more fun days like this with family members after I finish my undergrad classes next week Tuesday. :0 )
The journey begins......
from Baby Elements
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