Jordon and I had our first two hour "Centering Pregnancy" class tonight at Sanford. It is taught by a midwife and there are 5 other couples so far in our group. It was really fun getting to hear the other moms' stories and concerns as well as learn a lot of cool things I had never read in my books (...and can I add I have about 8 pregnancy books... so I was surprised to have learned so much). Centering classes are included in our overall pregnancy package and also allow us to go to whatever classes we want at Sanford for free...which is interesting because midwife care is cheaper than with a doctor. We will be delivering in the hospital however and doctors are on location 24/7 in case needed. I feel really good about our decision on the midwife thus far. Thanks for the tip off Lars ;0 )
Hung out with Lenny and Lucy for maybe the last time tonight. They are leaving early next week already. Very sad to see them go. I feel like so much is changing so fast in our lives. Jordon and I were talking today about how this is really such a transitional time in our lives. So crazy.... It seems like just yesterday I was living in dorms and now we are preparing a yard for summer and a nursery for our baby..... While we miss some aspects of our "old" life, we are both really excited about the new adventure before us. Home ownership can be a pain and frustrating, but is amazing none the less. I think having a child may be similar haha.
Being pregnant has also made me really appreciate and grow even closer to my husband. He has been so amazingly supportive and awesome these past months that words cannot begin to describe it. Some moments we want to kill eachother haha, but most of the time we just get along so well and are so happy. I am glad we are having this special time to bond before Ava comes. I know we will need all the love and patience we can in our first few months as new parents (or so I am told...). I am thankful for our supportive friends and family too. Even though today held bad news from several angles... I feel very blessed.
-A <3